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Brand Colours

People are able to spot an aesthetically pleasing design from a mile away, but what about colour? Over time, our senses have evolved and we have begun to associate certain colours with certain feelings and experiences, and businesses are catching on. Each colour ignites a particular feeling in its viewer, so if you are trying to decide what your company’s logo should be, consider the feeling you are trying to emote in your customer.


It will come as no surprise that red ignites passion in the viewer, but red is also known to promote excitement and action. For this reason, red is a popular colour amongst brands that aim to appeal to people who need some reinvigoration in their life. Red is also a great colour to use if you want to stand out, and has been adopted by several major brands across the world.

Used by: Coca-Cola, Red Bull, YouTube, Qantas


Typically associated with fun and vibrancy, yellow is your best bet if your product wants to stand out on the market as something excited and young at heart. People tend to associate the colour with playfulness and optimism, plus forward-thinking ideals and looking to the future. As a standout colour, yellow is particularly bold and confident, and will definitely boost your product’s noticeability.

Used by: Snapchat, McDonalds, Chupa Chups, JB Hi Fi


Closely tied to yellow, orange certainly carries more youthful ideas. Often used by affordable, child-friendly brands, orange promotes excitement and sociability with its colour. Through its excitement of the viewer, orange is considered to be one of the happiest colours to use in branding, and can be frequently seen in use by companies who have a very positive spin on their brand and products.

Used by: Nickelodeon, Fanta, Blogger, Etsy


For the consumer, green is usually associated with feelings of growth and development. Similar to yellow, green is a confident colour that promotes forward-thinking ideas. Closely linked to nature, customers who encounter a green product or brand are likely to entertain thoughts of the earth, and it is a colour often used by brands with organic, all natural products that promote a caring atmosphere.

Used by: Starbucks, Android, Greenpeace, Whole Foods


Purple is less used than a lot of the other colours, but it is a brilliant choice if your company and product is imaginative and innovative. Often seen as a creative stimulant, purple has also been linked to fun, positive experiences by consumers. Often, brands who utilise purple in their branding frequently turn to advertising material featuring concepts like childlike wonder and exploration.

Used by: Cadbury, Hallmark, Syfy channel, Yahoo!


With all of its positive associations, it’s no wonder that plenty of companies turn to blue for their logo. Typically associated with calmness, serenity, and relaxation, using blue in your logo promotes a safe space where people can come to unwind. Further, with blue’s current popularity in the design world, people’s eyes are now more attracted to the colour, making it more likely to garner their attention.

Used by: Facebook, Twitter, VISA, Ford


Sleek and sophisticated, black commands respect and carries with it an air of luxury. For this reason, black is often utilised by higher end brands, and companies looking to rebrand to a more grown-up style often turn to this colour. With its luxurious looks, black can almost immediately make a brand appear far more sophisticated, so if you are promoting a higher end product, black is your best option.

Used by: Chanel, Marc Jacobs, Sony, Jaguar

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